MyFitnessPal can be a great app that can help you track your diet and exercise to determine optimal caloric and nutrient intake to help achieve weight and body composition goals. However, it isn’t fool proof and may not be for everyone, if not used correctly it can more than likely hinder your goal.
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I have heard this lots recently people saying that the reason they are not losing weight is because they are not eating enough. I am hearing it more and more and probably down to certain Fitness “gurus” perpetuating this myth.
Let’s be clear the ultimate criteria of whether your current food intake (and activity level) constitutes whether you are gaining, losing or maintaining weight is what is happening to your body weight or body fat. If your weight is going up and your clothes are getting tighter- This post is inspired by more debates and misinformation about protein supplements doing the rounds, sparked by a BBC article and another by the Daily (M)Fail. So here we go here is my little take on it regarding protein supplements, I am mainly going to focus on whey protein powders as this is probably the most well-known protein supplement… We know that protein powders have been used by bodybuilders and athletes for a long time and now casual gym users and the general public is more aware of them and using protein supplements more and more. Sports related protein products are forecast to reach £7.8 billion a massive industry.
This article is intended to give out general advice for IBS (irritable bowl syndrome). I have had clients, friends and family members ask advice about IBS after having been to the doctor and been told they may have IBS but feel they have not been given appropriate advice on how to deal with the issue. I had a family member told just to go and find out and do her own research about FODMAP by her GP after been told she has IBS and that was all the advice she received.
I wrote this article for general advice on the subject from research I have done, it is not intended to help treat or diagnose. It is always recommended to seek medical advice if you have any of the symptoms and if applying low FODMAP use an appropriately qualified dietitian who has knowledge of FODMAP. Intermitting fasting (IF) 16/8
I am off on holiday in a couple of weeks and looking to drop a bit of body fat so experimenting with some intermitting fasting. I have been in discussion with a couple of people regarding IF and it is clear there are some misconceptions and myths surrounding about IF, hopefully I can help clear some up. I am using 16/8 protocol, where you fast for 16 hours (including sleep) and then for an 8-hour window then eat in an 8-hour window. (There are other protocols that can be used such as alternate day fasting, warrior diet [20/8 fast] and 5:2 diet [very low calories for 2 days]. To reach your goals, it is not the occasional big gesture that will get you there it’s what you repeatedly do that will get you results. - It’s the daily habits or even what may be perceived as the “mundane, boring or small” things that build up over time, that end up making the difference long term. The kind of things like- ... In Which Diet Is Best- Part 1 we looked at the evidence
to see if low carb or low fat was better for fat loss. What was observed in the data was that significant weight loss was observed with any low fat or low fat carb diet and weight loss differences between named diets were small. So what is the best diet to follow?........... There are so many diet plans out there being advertised, that all make competing claims about which one is best. It is easy to get confused as they will often cite "week" evidence and bamboozle us with all sorts of pseudoscience about their particular diet often to sell books, magazines or just to prove their own personal biases.. .In this first part of the blog I am going to take a look at the evidence to find out which is better- low fat or low carb.
You have maybe heard of this diet, it has been in books, magazines, on the web and has been said to be "the celebrity diet trend that has taken over Tinsel Town".
It’s the Alkaline Diet or Alkaline Ash diet,.
The reasoning behind the diet (and commercial products).
But what does the evidence say, is there any need to make our bodies more alkaline or less acidic and will what we eat and drink effect the PH in our bodies and our health? In this little video I talk about the Alkaline Diet and the evidence (or lack of) with some of the health claims. I wrote this back earlier in the year when I was sitting in Starbucks. I noticed the number of school children in and the drinks they were purchasing, some looked more like deserts than drinks. It got me thinking about the calorie content in those drinks and how those extra calories are effecting peoples waistline (and potentially health). It is common to hear from people that they don't understand why they are gaining weight as they don't eat much, A part of the problem could be calories they consume through drinks (people are also notoriously bad at estimating their calorie intake and expenditure).
Look into some of the calorie content of some drinks at Starbucks, there is more calories in those drinks than some fast foods!............. |
AuthorJamie Miller Categories
March 2021